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If you’re like me, you miss eating breakfast cereal. It’s delicious, convenient and cheap. It’s also always available, everywhere, all the time. My favourite? As a kid it was any sugary boxed carbohydrate I could get my hands on. As a teenager it was the more sophisticated, yet equally sweet, Golden Grahams. As a young adult, specifically one that was always dieting and trying to lose weight, I went the healthier route with Honey Nut Cheerios because apparently they lowered cholesterol. Or was it the unflavoured Cheerios that did that? On second thought, I don’t think either of them did. Finally, as a slightly older young adult, I realized that the added sugar in my Honey Nut Cheerios wasn’t such a good idea and swapped it for the unsweetened rolled oat cereals, granola and mueslis. You know, the ones that all the skinny Europeans were eating with their Greek yogurt. Surely, those svelte humans had all the answers.
All of the cereal came to a very abrupt halt in 2013 and I can safely say that it’s been about 5 years since I’ve purchased a box of cereal! You can add pre-packaged salad dressings to that list as well. I’d like to say the same for dairy milk but up until about 6 months ago Catalina couldn’t kick the habit of adding it to her coffee. That is until I FINALLY got her onto coconut milk (Arroy D brand to be specific). Let’s just say my grocery bills are significantly higher these days but it’s a cost I’m happy to pay.
Recently, I happened upon a package of paleo granola at the store. It was grain and refined-sugar free and mostly comprised of nuts, seeds, dried fruit, honey and spices. It was good! Really good! So good that I went back for more the next time I was at the store. The problem? It was expensive! Really expensive! So expensive that I didn’t buy it a third time and instead bought all of the ingredients to make it in bulk at home!
This recipe for CPG Paleo Granola is my take on that delicious, nutty bag of joy. It costs a fraction of the price as the pre-packaged stuff if you can find a good bulk ingredients store. It can also be made well in advance and stored in the fridge (where most nuts and seeds should be kept) and portioned out throughout the week. You can enjoy it as a trail mix on the go or add it to a bowl with some fresh fruit and serve with a combination of coconut milk and almond milk. It’s the best damn cereal I’ve had in 5 years. Then again, it’s the only cereal I’ve had in 5 years!
CPG Paleo Granola
- 1/4 cup pumplin seeds, toasted
- 1/4 cup sunflower seeds, toasted
- 1/4 cup dried, shredded coconut, unsweetened, toasted or untoasted
- 1/4 cup dried, toasted coconut chips, unsweetened
- 1/8 cup dry roasted almonds, salted or unsalted
- 1/8 cup Walnuts
- 1/8 cup dried cranberries, unsweetened (or sub Goji berries)
- 1-2 tsp cinnamon powder, optional garnish if eating as cereal
- drizzle of honey, optional garnish if eating as cereal
- 1-2 servings fresh banana, apple and/or berries, optional garnish if eating as cereal
- Combine all ingredients, except garnish, in a mixing bowl or large ziplock bag. Store in fridge until ready to eat.
About the Author
Hi, i'm Ronny! In 2013, after a lifetime of struggling with my weight and body issues, I rehabilitated my relationship with food, lost over 40 pounds and completely changed my life.
Where do you find unsweetened, sugar free cranberries in Toronto? Bulk Barn puts vegetable/canola oil on their plain nuts, so I’m all out of ideas!!
You can try a local health food store, such as Ambrosia or Organic Garage. They often carry packages of oil and sugar-free dried cranberries.